Embedded and the programming language RUST

Rust is a modern language for low-level programming and increasingly for embedded systems. This talk gives an introduction to the language, focussing on embedded and systems programming. We will look at the basics of the language, the development tooling, how rust prevents common classes of bugs, and how rust can be used on embedded systems. 

Folkert de Vries 

PCB Design with KiCad for Beginners

The KiCad workshop for beginners involves creating a simple circuit for a keychain flashlight. Of course, with this workshop, you’ll quickly get an idea of KiCad, but you’ll miss the exciting extras. Those extras (which make the keychain a lot more meaningful and prettier/more fun), you’ll learn in the KiCad workshop for advanced users. 

Casper Tak en Richard Kroesen.

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Publiceren21 december 2023 10:29 UTC+0

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Smart Parks – IRNAS: Utilizing Technology for Wildlife Conservation

Smart Parks and IRNAS are organizations that use technology to aid with the protection of wildlife. They use advanced systems such as IoT (Internet of Things), sensors and data processing to monitor nature and protect endangered species. 

Smart Parks focuses on creating smart nature reserves and parks using technology. They use advanced sensors, cameras and drones, among other things, to track wildlife, detect poaching and protect endangered species. Real-time data analysis allows them to respond immediately to threats and intervene proactively to ensure animal safety. 

IRNAS (Institute IRNAS – Institute for Development of Advanced Applied Systems) develops tailor-made technological solutions for nature conservation. They focus on building smart, sensor-based systems that help monitor ecosystems, track animals and map their behavior. These systems provide valuable data for research and protection of endangered species. 

In this presentation you will get to know both organizations and how they contribute to wildlife conservation through technological innovation. 

Tim van Dam en Luka Mustafa 

Introduction to NORDIC, the market leader in Bluetooth ICs and more

NORDIC Semiconductor is a leading player in the field of wireless technologies and semiconductors. They are known for their innovative solutions in the field of wireless connectivity, such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), wireless mesh networks and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. 

Their advanced semiconductor solutions are widely used across industries including consumer electronics, IoT devices, wearables, smart devices and industrial applications. NORDIC’s strengths lie in providing energy-efficient, reliable and powerful chips that form the basis for wireless connections in a wide range of products and applications. 

In this presentation you will be introduced to NORDIC, the NORDIC ecosystem and what NORDIC can do for the development of wireless embedded devices. 

Pattrick Noordhoek, Nordic

Design for testing

Make the right choices when purchasing or developing a PCBA test system for electronics and what is the influence of the PCB-design on the test coverage? 

During the production of electronics, it is important for a cost-efficient and high-quality end product, that inspections are carried out between each production and assembly step in the process. 

This is the only way to prevent production errors from accumulating during manufacturing and assembly and making the repair of these “production defects” at the end of the production line, a costly, time-consuming and complex matter. 

If the above basic rules have been met and your product has been handled with the greatest possible care (especially in regards to ESD safety), then the produced end product might still contain a small percentage of errors causing the product not to function properly. 

Unfortunately, most of these errors are very difficult to visually inspect, manual or automatic. This requires a different approach, namely, electrical functional testing of your product. 

During this presentation, Peter van Oostrom will discuss the following topics; 

  1. Why do we test A newly assembled PCB? 
  2. How important is a good design for a reliable production process? 
  3. Which automatic testing methods are available? 
  4. How does a modular functional testing system works, in the basics? 
  5. The benefits of using a Mass Interconnect Interface. 
  6. Pitfalls in developing a test system and the possible solutions. 
  7. How do we make good and reliable contact between the DUT and the measuring electronics? 
  8. Most important DFT (design for Test) guidelines that every developer should know. 

Environmental Issues in PCB Production

Insight into the situation in Europe with regard to the electronics market. New European circular legislation will come into force in 2024 at the earliest, which is mainly aimed at new producers: sustainability must be included in the production process from the design phase, with the idea that we will no longer use more raw materials, but less. Products in the EU, must therefore last longer, be easier to maintain and repair, and be made more energy efficient. The presentation will discuss developments surrounding this subject and the position of electronics companies in Europe and beyond. 

In light of the previous topic, the implications for the production of PCBs are discussed, where are the production companies in their preparations to comply with the new legislation and what topics have they encountered along the way? 

Dirk Stans, Eurocircuit

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

It is clearly visible that humanity is polluting its world, but less visible is the pollution in the electromagnetic (radio) spectrum. We all assume that guaranteed 4G connections are always possible everywhere, but electronics that are not properly designed can throw a major spanner in the works. Jos Kamer and André Canrinus introduce the participants to EMC and how EMC is important in the design of embedded systems. They do this with a lot of humor and practical and everyday examples. 

How do I design a PCB for maximum jamming, meaning no radio reception, flickering LED, and Bluetooth problems. Welcome to the wondrous world of disturbances (CE-EMC).

Jos Kamer en André Canrinus

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EMC Measurement for Your Project

Would your S1, S3, or S6 product pass the CE certification? This is your chance to find out.

In the R29 auditorium you can have your prototype or project tested for EMC properties and possibly receive advice on what you can improve. So bring your prototype to the ESE day. 

Please note that it is mandatory that your project is reported using the interest registration form you submitted.

Jos Kamer en André Canrinus 

Build Your Own Antenna

Participants learn about antennas, building their own antennas, best practices (do’s and don’ts), construct a groundplane antenna for 868 MHz and tune it using a VNA. During this workshop, participants screw the radials of a groundplane antenna onto an SMA-chassis part. The radiator is already soldered in advance. After installation, the antenna is tuned using a VNA. 

Bart Hiddink